Each week, we introduce a completely new set in Dungeon Legends. They increase the stats our our dwarf, but they also change his aspect. They are armors, and skins for our main character. There are very different armors. Some of them transform our dwarf into a Panda, or a wolf. Others transform our dwarf into …Read More
Behind Dungeon Legends: Weapons
In previous articles, we talked about the main character of Dungeon Legend, the dwarf. Dwarfs are armed with awesome weapons, from the most real hammer to the most magical sword. These weapons made our characters stronger, and they will be key to become the best dwarf in the dungeons. We added three types of weapons: swords, hammers …Read More
Behind Lords & Castles: Leaders
Leaders are one of the biggest acttraction of Lords & Castles. We can use them to improve our attack power in the battles or to build the perfect defense. In essence, they are the key for many battles. That’s why the choice of them is so important. The main leaders were elected by historic importance. We consider the …Read More
Behind Dungeon Legends: Dwarf Concept Art
As the music, the art is another indispensable part of a game in order to create magical worlds and awesome characters, weapons, skins… But all of these parts have to be coherent to achieve a complete immersion, that makes you feel inside of that world. That’s why concept art exists. This form of illustration captures the essence of a character, …Read More