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Prison Empire Tycoon

How to succeed at Prison Empire Tycoon

Tips & tricks to grow faster! You can easily grow in Prison Empire Tycoon after some practice. However, sometimes you could feel that your progress is stuck. We are happy to share some tips that could help you achieve your goals and grow easier. Let’s go! Pay attention to object descriptions! Your prisons are full …Read More

Prison Empire Tycoon: Alien Invasion Fortnightly Event

Time to beat some alien up! You thought that your job was already under control, didn’t you? Well, in Prison Empire Tycoon surprises do not end: we are surrounded by an alien army! Humanity is in danger, and we need the toughest people to fix this up. Ready? You may be wondering: Why me? The …Read More

Prison Empire Tycoon: Iron Fortress Fortnightly Event

Do you dare to manage a hellhole full of dangerous inmates? We have heard about your excellent prison management… And we need your services on a special mission! The Government ordered us to reform as many inmates as possible in the Iron Fortress penitentiary, but this is not an easy job! In return, you will …Read More

Prison Empire Tycoon: We’re hiring peacemakers!

Run your own prisons and work for a better society! Lo and behold, here you are. With your suitcase full of dreams, good intentions, and better ideas. Poor you. Prison Empire Tycoon has recruited you for one of the most difficult undertakings that Codigames could offer. We know you are strong, but… Will you be …Read More