Our last two games, Schools of Magic and Empires of Sand, has been featured in iTunes inside the ‘Made In spain’ section of the store.
Schools of Magic is featured as one of the best new games alogn with games like Dwarfs & Dragons from Omnidrone or Ridiculous Triathlon, from CremaGame.
Empires of Sand is in the Fans’ Favoutire subsection. With more than 1 million downloads around the world, Empires of Sand has become one of the best tower defense games currently available on the App Store. Players have rated the game with 4,5 stars out of 5 on iTunes.
We keep working on both games to improve the game experience. We are creating more free content, and we are always optimizing them based on the feedback players send to us. So if you have any comment about the games, do not hesitate to contact us. We love to hear what players have to say!